понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

Новые возможности для развития бизнеса с Merculet

В современных условиях каждая компания, чем бы она ни занималась, существует за счет стабильной базы клиентов. Однако в информационное время, когда конкуренция довольно велика, используются все возможные способы продвижения, поэтому для многих компаний расширение клиентской базы – очень сложная задача. Необходимо не просто привлечь новых клиентов, но и сохранить уже существующих, чтобы оставаться «на плаву». Работа на двух фронтах под силу не каждой организации, особенно молодой, без большого штата сотрудников. В основном, чтобы оценить общую стоимость компании, рассматриваются такие показатели, как количество капитала, уровень популярности, качество услуги или продукта и многое другое. Оценка потребителей также очень важна, однако этот фактор часто недооценивается. Проект Merculet предлагает выгодно исправить эту ситуацию.
С помощью технологий блокчейн и других технических новшеств платформа Merculet предлагает усовершенствовать взаимоотношения между клиентами, предприятиями и вкладчиками. Благодаря уникальным технологиям компании смогут получать прибыль за то внимание, которое пользователи со всего мира проявят к их товару или услуге. Таким образом, создается полноценная экосистема обратной связи, которая активно помогает компаниям совершенствовать свою деятельность и, следовательно, увеличивать популярность и прибыльность.
Merculet строит так называемую сеть внимания – Value Attention. В ней с помощью открытых протоколов встречаются спрос и предложение. Очевидно, что применение технологий блокчейн принесет пользу и выгоду каждому пользователю, о чем открыто заявляют разработчики платформы. Так, пользователи смогут получать стабильные вознаграждения в свой кошелек без особых усилий, а компании будут получать необходимую информацию, чтобы развивать продукт в нужном направлении, делая его более привлекательным для клиентов.
Merculet предлагает действительно уникальное решение, которое будет учитывать внимание пользователей к товару и конвертировать его в реальную материальную ценность. Основой процесса являются открытые протоколы, благодаря которым можно достоверным образом оценить внимание пользователей и спрос на продукцию. Так как пользователь затрачивает определенное время на оценку продукта компании, то он получает за это хорошее вознаграждение. Благодаря полученным оценкам и информации от множества пользователей, компании смогут пересмотреть стратегию своего бизнеса и направить ее в прибыльную сторону.
Какие инструменты и технологии использует Merculet для реализации своей идеи:
  • Network Attention Network обеспечивает эффективное распространение действительно достоверной информации благодаря таким элементам, как оценочная система для пользователей, токены компании и площадка с открытым контентом;
  • User Attention Value – данная система работает с вниманием потребителей и производит его оценку. Набор открытых протоколов помогает произвести интеграцию с традиционными способами вознаграждения, поэтому любая компания сможет воспользоваться преимуществами Merculet;
  • User Attention Tokens – каждая организация, прошедшая регистрацию на платформе, создает собственные токены, которыми вознаграждает пользователей за время, потраченное на оценку. Оно будет эквивалентно определенной сумме. Кроме этого, на платформе действует собственный токен MVP, через который и будет производиться обмен денежных средств, которыми компании хотят вознаградить помогающих пользователей;
  • Open Content Platform создается на базе технологий блокчейн и представляет собой платформу с открытым контентом. Для ее управления участники должны использовать токены. Так, пользователи получат возможность оценить любой представленный на площадке проект и оказать влияние на его дальнейшее развитие, а компании моментально получают обратную связь. На основе этой информации они смогут совершенствовать свои продукты или услуги, а спрос и прибыль будут расти.
Какие преимущества предлагает Merculet пользователям с каждой стороны и участникам ICO:
  • обеспечивается защита личной информации каждого пользователя;
  • предприниматели получат только полезную информацию из первых рук, которая поможет усовершенствовать их проекты;
  • пользователи смогут получать вознаграждения за оценку компаний, которую многие производили ранее бесплатно;
  • проект разрабатывала команда профессионалов, имеющая большой опыт в сфере бизнеса и индустрии криптовалюты;
  • проект продвигает компания Krypital Group, которая имеет в портфолио исключительно успешные результаты ICO от множества проектов;
  • участвует группа опытных советников из области криптоиндустрии.
На данный момент Merculet не имеет аналогов, поэтому предоставляет действительно уникальные возможности. Компания имеет собственные токены MPV, которые выпущены в объеме 10 000 000 000. За один ETH можно купить 87 500 токенов MPV. Токены распределятся следующим образом:
  • 30% будет направлено в фонд;
  • еще 30% – во вклад токенов;
  • 20% будет направлено для команды проекта и советников;
  • 15% пойдет на маркетинговую составляющую.
Проект Merculet дает уникальные возможности для развития бизнеса. Это касается как начинающих, так и опытных предпринимателей, спрос на товар которых идет на спад. В рамках платформы пользователи за вознаграждение в виде токенов проводят оценку товара или услуги компании, помогая создателям увидеть слабые стороны и исправить их в ближайшее время. Таким образом, количество клиентов и спрос увеличатся. Пользователи Merculet с пользой применят свое время, помогая развиваться бизнесу и получая вознаграждение в свой кошелек.

пятница, 27 апреля 2018 г.


Africunia memperkenalkan model perbankan yang inovatif yang memungkinkan penggunaan mata uang digital tanpa risiko dan hambatan teknis yang terkait dengan kepemilikan pemindahan dan perdagangan kripto dan token.Selama ICO africunia terbuka untuk berinvestasi.Africunia merupakan sebuah dana closed – end generasi ketiga yang menggunakan Blockchain.Teknologi untuk menciptakan bank – bank dan peet – to – peer cryptocurrenci disebut Afcash.Jika ICO berhasil Africunia akan menjadi lembaga digital keuangan yang bisa diakses kemana – mana.Africunia akan berfungsi seperti bank konvensional,tapi tidak menjadi tuan rumah cabang manapun juga mempunyai kantor secara fisik.Dengan kata lain, AFRICUNIA adalah bank virtual yang akan mengeluarkan AFCASH menggunakan AFRICUNIA Blockchain 3.0 Teknologi. Sebenarnya, AFRICUNIA menciptakan hubungan yang hilang antara bank konvensional dan ekononomi dunia yang bary yang didominasi oleh blockchain 3.0.Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi standar industri dan toko one stop untuk menyiapkan dana token, terlepas dari apakah dana tersebut berinvestasi di alam fiat atau kripto. Kami bermaksud menjembatani kesenjangan antara dua dunia ini sambil mengambil keuntungan dari kedua dunia.
Kelebihan Africunia
  1. Menawarkan cryptocurrency yang terbaik dari dunia Fiat .Mayoritas platform investasi tokenized sepenuhnya cryptooriented atau dipatok pada beberapa aset yang dapat diperdagangkan seperti emas atau fiat mata uang. Pendekatan siled ini menghambat diversifikasi. AFRIKA
bermaksud membuat platform itu agar pengguna memperoleh keuntungan dari keduanya termasuk desentralisasi, transparansi, dan nilai tukar.
  1. Mempromosikan investasi dana yang berkelanjutan. Semua dana token akan ditinjau dan disetujui oleh hukum penasihat kami untuk memastikan mereka untuk sepenuhnya mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan yang ada . Dengan memilah-milah risiko ini sejak awal, AFRIKA akan meningkatkan kepercayaan investor dan menawarkan investasi keberlanjutan yang diperlukan.
  2. Mengembangkan platform standar. Menyiapkan struktur investasi yang tepat adalah usaha yang sulit dan mahal. Tidak semua dana tokenized set up memiliki struktur yang sesuai, dengan demikian
    meningkatkan risiko peraturan bagi investor. AFRIKA percaya bahwa ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk meluncurkan standar industri untuk menyiapkan tokenized platform investasi.
  3. Transparansi yang ditingkatkan Penanda tanganan kepentingan dana – atau bagian keuntungan memberikan akuntabilitas dan transparansi terhadap proses investasi. Transparansi yang dibutuhkan secara signifikan akan meningkatkan akuntabilitas manajer investasi.
  4. Pengembangan dana terukur.
    Dengan menggunakan platform AFRICUNIA, manajer investasi yang disetujui akan menyiapkan dan menjalankan dana investasi token dengan tanpa melalui hambatan dan usaha pengembangan TI yang diperlukan dan infrastruktur yang legal.
Keuntungan bagi investor
Keuntungan bagi investor kripto:
• Kesempatan baru untuk mengakses aset dari alam semesta fiat tanpa meninggalkan kenyamanan alam semesta kripto.
• Peluang diversifikasi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya karena rendahnya korelasi antara aset fiat dan kripto.
• Akses ke berbagai peluang investasi yang bisa menurunkan risk profile untuk melengkapi dan menyeimbangkan eksposur spekulatif yang ada.
Keuntungan bagi para investor fiat:
• Penyediaan imbal hasil bersih yang lebih tinggi, berkat hemat biaya untuk struktur dana tokenized
• Akses ke kelas aset baru karena hambatan yang lebih rendah untuk sebuah dana yang disiapkan dan administrasi di platform Africunia.
Teknologi kami akan didasarkan pada AFRICUNIA PROTOCOL CONSENSUS ALGORITHM (APCA).Sedangkan APCA akan menggabungkan komponen berikut:
• Server. Server akan menjadi entitas yang menjalankan perangkat lunak Server AFRICUNIA yang memfasilitasi proses konsensus.
• Buku besar. Buku besar berisi catatan jumlah AFCASH di setiap akun pengguna dan akan diperbarui secara berkala di jaringan.
• Buku Besar Tertutup Terakhir: Buku besar tertutup terakhir akan menjadi buku besar yang terbaru yang telah dikonfirmasi oleh proses konsensus dan mewakili status jaringan saat ini.
• Open Ledger: Buku besar terbuka akan menjadi operasi saat ini status dari node.
Cara berpartisipasi di ICO
Kami akan mengizinkan peserta untuk berinvestasi menggunakan beberapa metode berikut:
• Pembelian kartu kredit langsung atau kartu debit yang akan dicairkan di
situs website.
• Menggunakan NAIRA, USD, EURO, dan POUNDS STERING fiat
mata uang yang menggunakan Kartu Debit / Kartu Kredit dan transfer SWIFT.
• Pembelian langsung di platform situs website kami dengan menggunakan
kripto darurat berikut:
Pembagian Token :
• Penyumbang publik akan dialokasikan 50% dari AFCASHs.
• Cadangan perusahaan akan diberikan 30% dari AFCASHs. Cadangan itu akan menjadi bagian dari sumber pendapatan perusahaan setelah periode distribusi dan akan dialokasikan secara parsial di antara kontributor langsung dan tim inti bisnis jika diperlukan.
• 20% sisanya dari AFCASH akan dialokasikan ke Anggota Africunia yang Mendirikan dan penasihat, mitranya, dan juru kampanye sebagai berikut: 15% (Africunia Founders); 3% (Pembimbing & Mitra); 2% (Juru kampanye). Dana ini tidak akan segera bisa diperdagangkan
agar terus memotivasi tim inti setelah periode distribusinya
Token Detail
Token / Coin Symbol : AFCASH
Token / Coin total supply : 500.000.000 ( lima ratus juta AFCASHs)
Supply Sirkulasi : 500.000.000 ( lima ratus juta AFCASHs)
Token / Coin harga : 1 AFCASH = $ 0.10 USD
Token yang tidak terjual: Token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar
Berbagi token : Pada akhir setiap Tahun Keuangan, 20% dari keuntungan AFRICUNIA BANK akan didistribusikan di antara semua pemegang saham kami. Token (AFCASH) berdasarkan masing-masing Pemegang Saham dari jumlah total Token dikeluarkan, dan ini akan secara otomatis dibayarkan kepada Pengguna Koin di masing-masing dompet .Dengan kata lain, Anda berhak atas AFRIKA Pendapatan bank Anggap ini sebagai PENDAPATAN PASIF.
10 Juli 2017 sampai 1 Januari 2018Research & Experiment, Meneliti dan bereksperimen dengan APCA akan menjadi langkah pertama kami di Africunia Journey.Our pengembang akan mengembangkan prototip dummy sistem Blockchain berdasarkan APCA dan mengujinya untuk kebenaran, konsensus, dan utilitas. Kami sudah meneliti dan bereksperimen dengan APCA dan aplikasinya di Blockchain. Fase ini akan berlangsung hingga 1 Januari 2018.
1 Desember 2017 sampai 31 Desember 2017PRE-ICO, Pra-order AFCASH akan dibuka pada tanggal 1 Desember 2017 dan dijalankan selama 4 minggu sampai 31 Desember 2017. Kami menargetkan token BOTOGRAFT 10 Miliar dengan persediaan tahunan 1 Milyar selama 10 tahun ke depan. 1 Januari 2018 sampai 28 Februari 2018 ICO
ICO ICO AFCASH akan dimulai pada tanggal 1 Januari 2018 dan dijalankan selama 2 bulan sampai 28 Februari 2018.
1 Maret 2018 sampai 31 Maret 2018.Pengembangan prototiple blockchain. Pada tahap ini, kita akan mengembangkan prototipe Blockchain yang akan membantu menghilangkan ambiguitas dan meningkatkan akurasi dengan kripto AFCASH kita. Kami berharap langkah ini memakan waktu 4 minggu dan akan berlangsung mulai 1 Maret 2018 sampai 31 Maret 2018.
1 April 2018 sampai 30 April 2018. Pembangunan blockchain beta version. Sebuah versi beta dari kripto AFCASH kami akan dikembangkan untuk membantu pengembang memahami ekosistem dengan lebih baik karena ambiguitas lebih lanjut dieliminasi. Kami berharap fase ini memakan waktu maksimal 4 minggu. Oleh karena itu, fase ini akan berlangsung mulai 1 April 2018 sampai 30 April 2018.
1 Mei 2018 sampai 21 Mei 2017. pengujian ekosistem. Kami akan menguji sistem secara keseluruhan dan memastikannya bekerja dengan baik dan dapat dioperasikan dengan sistem yang ada. Tahap ini akan memakan waktu maksimal 3 minggu dan akan berlangsung dari 1 Mei 2018 sampai 21 Mei 2018.
31 Mei 2018. Pembangunan lengkap teknologi blockchain. Kami mengharapkan Teknologi Blockchain yang lengkap selesai pada 31 Mei 2018.
1 Juni 2018. Meluncurkan blockchain dan ekosistem. Kami berharap bisa meluncurkan Ekosistem Blockchain pada 1 Juni 2018.
Juni 2018. Solidifikasi dan teknologi ekspansi. Setelah peluncuran pada tanggal 1 Juni, proyek akan menjalani perawatan dan pengembangan berkelanjutan untuk menangani semua Iptek, Pembelajaran Mesin dan masalah data yang besar.
Untuk informasi lebih rinci silahkan hubungi tautan di bawah ini:

четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

Konios offers the safest exchange platform for cash & cryptocurrencies.

With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies and increase in the number of their users, every day the number of services and platforms on which traders and users of conduct sales and purchase transaction increases. Over the past year, many online exchanges have been launch. However on them sometimes there are problems such as unreasonably high commissions and lack of stability. Even largest exchanges can unexpectedly suspend work or at all fail as it was in a case with BTC-e in August of the 2017th after the intervention of U.S. authorities.
Many of us ask questions: “How to exchange fiat funds on digital money? Where to do it? How to make an exchange with minimal losses for my wallet?” Therefore today I want to tell about the platform which offers one of the best solutions to the problems described above.
Thanks to the Konios platform anyone will have a unique opportunity to buy cryptocurrencies for cash and to find the most suitable offer in your city, having made simple actions. Easy access to the Konios platform will demand only the smartphone and connection to the Internet. An easy-to-use, convenient and available service allows carrying in any transactions of F2F which means “hand-to-hand” or “face to face” with other users of the platform.
The Konios has the apparent goal of giving all people access to the crypto market with cash, securely and quickly. This purpose includes security measures, the decentralized check and also meets all legal requirements. For the safety of transactions and low fees, the own blockchain will validate and register all the transactions and operations on the platform. The Smarts Contracts in turn controls and checks of transactions and all processes on the platform.
We’ll look at the main advantages of the Konios.
  1. The Konios platform guarantees an anonymous and safe process of Face-to-Face transactions so you can use the platform without disclosure of personal information. The Konios also provides a reliable and robust basis for carrying out consistent exchange transactions on the platform.
  2. The Konios Trading serves as the integrated tool of the analysis which displays desirable parameters in charts, provides a statement of necessary forecasts and visualization of tendencies. It includes news of preferable currencies, trade options with all currency pairs and the program of the analysis with customizable desired parameters.
  3. The Konios Data submit the behavior anonymized data from F2F, Exchange, Marketplace and Trading and also information on location for detection of geographical concentration and creation of the new markets.
  4. The Konios Blockchain serves as the decentralized check of transactions, conclusion of the Smart-Contracts, data storage and management of all processes on the platform. With the integration of the Konios Blockchain, processing of transactions whether it be F2F, Exchange, Marketplace or Trading, is performed anonymously via in-house Smart Contracts and implemented with unchangeable, decentralized conditions.
  5. The Konios Wallet ensures safety for the user portfolios which are in the center of attention. The wallet is used as on the platform, and outside for connection or mobile use.
How it will work in practice.
  • A user of the Konios platform interested to make exchange determines the sum and chooses the required cryptocurrency. After that, the user knocks out the person from the offered list of sellers sorted by the distance. The request containing the parameters set by the buyer (currency, the sum, date, time and the place) sent to the chosen seller.
  • The seller confirms the request for purchase and activates the smart contract in their smartphone. All previously defined parameters are now part of the Smart Contract. The agreed amount of cryptocurrency is frozen by the smart contract until the two sides complete the F2F transaction.
    How F2F works
  • Identification of users and mutual confirmation of presence by scanning a QR code.
  • The buyer presents cash and counts it in front of the seller.
  • Cash is transferred to the seller and confirmed by the application on both sides.
  • Payment of the Smart-Contract automatically initiates transfer of cryptocurrency to the buyer.
  • As soon as the cryptocurrency comes to a purse of the buyer, a request for assessment will be sent both parties. It increases trust to exchange partners for future transactions.
In addition to steps mentioned above, the user can request the additional check by means of the validator. The validator will be in this case a real and proven by the Konios platform person who can assess a situation and confirm very high transactions for the benefit of both parties.
Additional of the platform opportunities.
  • A remuneration system of users for their loyalty and participation. This award, first of all, serves as an incentive for new users. Also, the platform plans to extend KON to loyal users who hold the tokens of KON on the platform voluntarily.
  • Support service 24/7 which is an integral part of the Konios platform and allows to timely troubleshoot users’ problems.
Konios Token.
The token serves for access to the platform. For example, to participate in transactions of F2F, access is necessary, and to the Konios platform must be provided the corresponding number of KON tokens. Without them, no service cannot be used to the Konios platform.
Overview Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Name: Konios Token
Symbol: Kon
Price: $ 0.01
Max: 5 Billion
Start: May 1, 2018
Duration: 60 Days
The total token in the ICO: 3’750’000’000 KON
Premature end: Yes, upon reaching USD 29 Mio. (Hardcap)
Distribution of Tokens
Снимок экрана 2018-04-07 в 14.20.46.png
Снимок экрана 2018-04-07 в 14.45.37.png
For obtaining more detailed information on Konios, you can visit the following links:
Website – https://konios.com/


What is AIREXE?
AIREXE.io is a modern crypto-fiat currency exchange.
The cryptocurrency market is booming and it becomes clear that there is a need for a new generation of Crypto-Fiat Exchange. The new exchange must be clean from the beginning, following KYC / AML / KKP rules and regulations. It is expected that many existing Exchanges will be closed due to uncertainty and non-transparent origin. There are a number of problems / problems with existing exchanges, which, on AIREXE exchange, will be fixed and resolved.
AIREXE will follow and comply with the rules, licensing requirements, taxation and will operate completely legally.
Stock Solutions and Profits
AIREXE ✔ Highest security measures – latest technology in authentication and biometrics for mobile users
✔ Cooperation with regulators and government. Following the rules. Permissions. Taxation.
✔ Responsive Customer Support – 24/7 direct customer support, with timely response
✔ Getting started and quick tutorials for beginner merchants
✔ Transparency of project ownership
✔ Attention to mobile users – exchange of devices that are completely neutral with the original App
✔ Integration with new blockchains, coins, tokens (for example – integration with TON, Telegram Open Networks)
✔ Institution and assessment analysis (provide analysis and professional assessment of cryptocurrency for projects, tokens and cryptocurrencies)
ICO Detail, Token
AIRX AIREXE token Name: Token Token digit: 18 The Tokenization asset Offers AIRX token sales starting from 19 March to 2018 and lasts until 30 April-2018 Standard Token: Ethereum blockchain standard, ERC-223 (including ERC20 standard) Smart Contract: 0x0000000000000000 (to be published on March 15) Soft Cap: 950,000 USD Project Goal: 16,000,000 USD Hard Cap: 32,000,000 USD
If Soft Cap is not achieved, then all donated funds will be returned back to the contributor within 15 days after TAO expires.
There are two ways to buy an AIRX token:
OPTION 1 Buy with ETH. Send ETH to AIREXE smart contract
To purchase AIRX token send ETH from your Ethereum wallet to the smart 0x0000000000000000 contract address (will be published on March 15). AIRX Token will be sent back to your address immediately.
AIRX price depends on the amount of your contribution:
✪ 0.01 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment of less than 2 ETH (ie 1 ETH = 100 AIRX) ✪
✪ 0.009 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment from 2 ETH to 10 ETH (ie 1 ETH = 110 AIRX) ✪
✪0,008 ETH per 1 AIRX for payment of 10 ETH and more (ie 1 ETH = 125 AIRX) ✪
OPTION 2 Buy with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereal minimum contribution amount
in the minimum amount in BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC must be greater than the equivalent of 10 ETH.
The purchase of an AIRX token with BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC is being done in manual mode after an agreement with the AIREXE administrator. Please write to the administrator in charge of Telegram @alex _james, https://t.me/alex_james to approve all purchase details of the AIRX token.
Use of AIRX Token
After the AIREXE crypto-fiat exchange has launched its operation, the AIRX token will be traded on exchange from the first day. No more AIRX tokens will be issued by the AIREXE company, other than those issued and sold in circulation during ICO. The AIRX token exchange rate on AIREXE will be, obviously, higher than the sale price during TAO.
Here’s how AIRX is guaranteed by AIREXE:
✪ 1. AIREXE exchange will receive a trading commission on AIRX ✪The payment commission on AIRX will be much cheaper than other cryptocurrencies.
✪ 2. Buy time for 0% total – buy trading on AIREXE ✪
Buy a zero commission period for your needs – one week, one month, three months or more. Save on day commissions by purchasing a commission free period with an AIRX token.
✪ 3. Use AIRX to access advanced and professional functionality ✪
For wholesalers or professionals, AIREXE will have advanced Professional functionality.
Access to this function will be charged additional fees. It is best to pay an AIRX token for Pro functionality, as it will be much cheaper than paying for other cryptocurrencies.
✪ 4. Payment for listing at AIREXE ✪
Projects – ICO, ITO, TGE, TAOs, or cryptococcal blockcains and forks can pay AIRX for token and coin list. AIRX paid projects for the list will (a) be prioritized for processing request lists and (b) personal managers assigned to continue the listing process and support lists thereafter.
✪ 5. Payment to access the function of the more advanced Project Rating Agency ✪
Purchased our research on crypto listed or on a project that did a cryptococcal fundraiser. The research will be based on the company’s fundamental indicators and incorporate methodologies from classical rating agencies (Fitch, Moody’s, S & P) and community activities of crypto.
✪ 6. Sell AIRX token in exchange ✪
Sell ​​and buy AIRX token in exchange.
Teams and Counselors
The team provided here is the Core Team of our AIREXE project. The core team of the AIREXE project consists of a total of 25 people for development, launch and operation. Additional team members will be hired to gain customer support and other parts of the project. AIREXE will use some professional subcontractor companies for some types of works and services (such as for security and audit services, smart contract and blockchain audit, optimization, etc.).
for more information, please go to see link below:
TELEGRAM CHAT: https://t.me/airexe
Telegram CHANNEL: https://t.me/airexe_channel
Username: Kirill201
Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1753202


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IСO [10 Feb, 2018–30 Apr, 2018]
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Etheera1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etheera
Telegram: https://t.me/etheera
Medium: https://medium.com/@etheera
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Etheera-ICO
GitHub: https://github.com/Etheera
Whitepaper: https://www.etheera.com/icowhitepaper-eng
Website: https://www.etheera.com
Etheera is a project founded by IZ Immobilien Kriens GMBH from Switzerland. Commercial register extract: CHE 178.993.268 Register excerpt: https://goo.gl/19yyn9
IZ Immobilien Kriens GmbH Founder:
Artan Ibrahimi
Isa Zeqiraj
Etheera Founder:
Alexandar Bojat
Etheera Co-founder:
Artan Ibrahimi
Isa Zeqiraj
To implement Etheera’s vision, we are launching an initial coin offering (ICO) to issue Etheera tokens on the public Ethereum blockchain. The tokens called Etheera (ETA) will be issued during the ICO Timeline.The price during the ICO will be as the table below:
Start 10/02/2018 / 10:00 AM UTC + 1
10/02/2018–16/03/2018 / Bonus 40%
17/03/2018–31/03/2018 / Bonus 20%
01/04/2018–14/04/2018 / Bonus 10%
15/04/2018–30/04/2018 / No Bonus
End 30/04/2018 / 10:00 AM UTC + 1
The ICO will be conducted at Ethereum blockchain and the Smart Contract directly, so to be able to participate in the Etheera’s ICO and get Etheera (ETA), you should go to the Etheera Website to view the Smart Contract Token Sale adress. Etheera (ETA) tokens will be issued as ERC20 compliant tokens and you will need an compatible ERC20 Wallet as MyEtherWallet or Meta Mask.
 Token name = Etheera
 Token symbol = ETA
 Decimals = 18
 Number of available ETA’s = Limited to 75 000 000 000
 Price for 1 ETA token = 0.000002 ETHEREUM (ETH)
 Minimum order per Transaction = 75 ETA
 SoftCap = 6 000 ETH
 Hardcap = 105 000 ETH


  • Advertise as an individual or company
  • – Search and find objects in a global network
  • – Search the right broker whom you want to sell a property
  • – Global purchase, rent, bed & breakfast deals
  • – Different advertising opportunities
  • Free or paid front banner advertisements
  • – Easy price structure
  • Advertise without subscriptions possible
  • – Pay with Etheera, Bitcoins, Altcoins or by PayPal and credit card
  • – No hidden costs
  • – Direct link to the software with synchronization for the brokers
We plan to expand internationally by partnering with other companies in the real estate space, acquiring competitors, and doing extensive marketing. The marketing channels include the traditional press/publications, social media
channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), opinion influencers, real estate conferences, and word of mouth. Following is an illustration of the possible growth. Please note that all numbers are only projections based on our
Users: 0.01 million
Listed Properties: 0.005 million
Applikations processed: 0.001 million
Users: 0.2 million
Listed Properties: 0.1 million
Applikations processed: 0.05 million
Users: 1 million
Listed Properties: 0.6 million
Applikations processed: 0.4 million
Users: 5 million
Listed Properties: 3 million
Applikations processed: 1.5 million
Users: 9 million
Listed Properties: 4 million
Applikations processed: 2 million
Users: 15 million
Listed Properties: 5 million
Applikations processed: 3 million
Etheera can confirm and guarantee to be listed directly after the ICO timeline on the following exchanges:
1. ForkDelta
2. EtherDelta
3. CryptoDerivatives
Etheera can confirm and guarantee to be listed directly after the ICO timeline on the following exchanges:
1. ForkDelta
2. EtherDelta
3. CryptoDerivatives
Availble trading pairs: ETA / ETH and ETH / ETA
Planned market start price: 20x — 50x from ICO Price per ETA
Etheera is working on further agreements, technical compatibility and deals to be listed on Yobit, Okex, hitBTC, Mercatox, Idex, Openledger, Coinbene, zb, Coss, Kucoin, huobi, Tidex, Liqui, Upbit, Poloniex, Binance, Bitfinex,
Cryptopia and others.

<<< ROADMAP >>>

Establishing the IZ Immobilien Kriens GmbH
Active participation in the property market
Analysis and monitoring of the whole real estate sector
Q1 2017
Survey of partners and customers about possible improvements, wishes and values in the market Information and
issues analysis
Mystery shopping with different providers and service providers for the real estate industry
Q2 2017
Birth of the Etheera project
First investigations with IT companies for the possibility and realization of Etheera Idea to realize an ICO with
Q3 — Q4 2017
ICO Preparations
Etheera ICO website with full project overview
Smart contract programming in solidity
Multilingual white paper
Team recruitment for Etheera
Additional meetings with different IT companies for the recruitment of the software developers.
Q1 2018
ICO timeline
Recruitment of IT specialists for the software development
Q2 2018
Etheera listed on first exchanges
Development phase of the ETHEERA software
Q3 2018
Presentation of the beta version of the Etheera software
Presentation of the beta version of the Etheera portal
Recruiting additional staff for sales, marketing and support in Switzerland
Q4 2018
Launch of Etheera software version 1.0
Launch of the Etheera portal version 1.0
Etheera offices in Paris, London, Munich, Vienna, Amsterdam, Belgrade, Prague, Milano
Etheera branches in Moscow, Tokyo, New York, Sydney, Miami, Las Vegas, Toronto, Hong Kong 300+ employees
in Europe, Asia, Canada, USA, Australia

Author : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1753202

Crypto Can BeEasy

Living in the day and age of successful startups and rapid development of the blockchain-based market has enabled a disruptive growth of the socioeconomic spectrum. Independent investors and conglomerates alike are actively seeking ways to enter the crypto world to benefit from this marvelous technology. However getting into the crypto market can sometimes be an uphill battle having to manage multiple accounts, what do you go for? Mining rigs, Cloud mining solutions or just go the traditional approach of trading?
The truth is that most of the crypto related products fail to deliver on the user experience level, as the barrier to entry is set way to high for the large public.

Introducing BeEasy!

A platform (https://beeasy.io/) with a big dream that plans to bring the “fire” to the people, by providing an all-in solution of correlated cryptocurrency related services such as, mining, asset exchange, charities, strategic partnerships, direct fiat trading.
By employing a single user authorization point, users will be able to access all of these available services at special rates. The user experience is tailored in such a way that it appeals to beginners and pros alike. Some of the core features of the platform are the following:


Through EasyPlay users will be able to participate in a gamified version of mining by “mining stuff” a proprietary system of the BeEasy platform. By using this system, users will receive rewards and exclusive services for the mining work done on the platform.


The central data center solution of BeEasy made up of high-performance equipment that will serve high-demand calculations. At its full speed, a whopping 2.5 MW will be available on the platform.


Easy trade is going to be the exchange branch of BeEasy by using the great MT4/MT5 trading systems while also maintaining an open API client that users can use for automated trading. In the future, BeEasy will branch out to mobile devices by creating native applications for iOS and Android devices alike.


By conducting trades on the EasyTrade exchange, users of the BeEasy ecosystem will have the opportunity to send part of their profits to charities directly they care about. Some of the featured causes that will be available: Environmental Protection, Healthcare Research.
By bringing all these core features together, BeEasy ensures a robust experience for its users making use of the main features of the cryptocurrency cycle in an integrated environment.

EasyToken (ETKN) the fuel of the platform

ETKN is an ERC20 based token that’s based on the Ethereum platform. The created token will also benefit from the Smart Contracts feature, a staple reliability measure in the crypto world. BeEasy will generate a total of 250 000 ETKNs that are going to be divisible up to four decimal places.
Depending on when you decide to purchase these tokens the price during the ICO period may range between 0.0005 BTC up to 0.02 BTC.Once the ICO stage is completed tokens will be available for purchase through the EasyTrade platform as soon as the exchange is launched.